A certain amount of snow falls down from the roof, the given snow load is for ground and needs to be factored
Will rise towards 1.0 if roof is very large or is internal
==Cw = wind exposure factor in Sentences (3) and (4),== (p.2)
Usually 1.0
==Cs = slope factor in Sentences (5), (6) and (7),== (p.2)
Usually 1.0
(5) Except as provided for in Sentences (6) and (7), the slope factor, Cs , shall be, (a) 1.0 where the roof slope, , is equal to or less than 30°, (b) (70° - )/40° where is greater than 30° but not greater than 70°, and (c) 0 where exceeds 70°. (6) The slope factor, Cs , for unobstructed slippery roofs where snow and ice can slide completely off the roof shall be, (a) 1.0 when the roof slope, , is equal to or less than 15°, (b) (60° - )/45° when is greater than 15°, but not greater than 60°, and (c) 0 when exceeds 60°. (7) The slope factor, Cs , shall be 1.0 when used in conjunction with shape factors for increased snow loads as given in Clauses (8)(b) and (e). (p.2)